Thanks so much for building the Wrangler stove. It has heated elk camp, and I have cooked for 6 fellow hunters on ours for 11 years, until the old horse had a rodeo last year and laid down on it. I am so glad you're still building it. Enclosed is my order for a new one.
Swede Camp
Blue Mountains
SE Washington

I'm an avid Whitetail hunter of 40 plus years. We hunt the Adirondack Mountains of New York state and Green Mountain of Vermont state. We hunt out of a Montana wall tent (12' x 17'). We heat the tent with a Riley Trail Boss combination wood or pellet stove. Personally, I like the pellets best because of convenience and long burn time, which means I don't have to get up so often during the night. I also like the fact that the stove gets hot enough to cook on. We really like your product. Great job. Our Trail Boss stove has been in service for 15 seasons and going strong.
Thanks Again,
P. and R. Pinan

We came to your place back in May and bought a Wrangler stove on our way to Ennis...
Well, elk season 2006 has come and gone. I am writing you to say that the stove performed beyond all of my expectations. At 5°F above 0, it kept my 12x15 tent plus my son's 9x12 up next to it very warm, 65-70 degrees in the tent.
The stove performed awesome as you said it would. Thanks for a great stove.
God bless,
Wish you many more happy trails,
Ron & Vicky

Just got my Flap Jack stove for my tipi tent, and love it!!!

Bought the Wrangler and Matt Dillon with group five today (3/15/15) in Angels Camp, CA. Orville, you're awesome and so is your product! Got home and had to try it out; was like a kid at Christmas. Made a complete meal, enjoyed the smells of outdoor cooking, was very satisfied with your stove and oven, and had plenty of warm water for the clean up. It was a pleasure talking with you today, you're a very kind man.
God bless you and your business,
K. Gause

Hi! I’m the proud owner of three Riley Wrangler stoves. We use them every year in our wonderful elk camp. One is about 28 years old, and the other two are about 10 to 15 years old.
They all still work great...
Thank You!
B. Caldwell

I would like to say thanks for your great stoves. 20 years ago some of my hunting buddies and myself formed a hunting camp. This is located in Michigan's western upper peninsula. We bought a Wrangler stove, and when we unpacked it we were not sure of the quality. We thought it was just a tin box. We found that to be the farthest thing from the truth. This stove is still in great shape. Except of course for replacing some stove pipes. 6 years ago I got involved with a bunch that elk hunt in the mountains of Colorado. They had just purchased the very same stove. They had the first original thought we did. I spoke right up and told them about my other experience, and now after 6 years on that stove the rest of the guys feel the same as I do. Your stoves have provided warmth on many cold nights, had hundreds of meals cooked on them, and if they could only tell the stories that have been told around them.
Thanks again,
B. Wilson

First let me thank you for being such a customer oriented business, quick, friendly and accommodating.
After using a Side Kick stove for past couple of years to heat a 12x14, which it does very well, I had the unfortunate disaster of having to live in a wall tent for two weeks using another brand of stove. Wow!
What a difference a stove makes. I found myself trying to regulate heat more than sitting back and enjoying the evening. The Riley is simple to operate, cook with and has a nice steady burn with very little need to pay attention to the stove. Just open the door toss in a stick of wood or two and let it go. I swore this will not happen again and have a new Riley of my own on the way and can’t wait for Moose Camp!!!
Thank you again for your service but most of all thanks for producing the best stove on the market.
S. Quesenberry

We just returned from a successful fall moose hunt in Interior Alaska. We spent a week in the woods and were able to fill the freezers with a nice fat 61" bull moose.
The Little Amigo stove I ordered shortly before heading out worked flawlessly in our TiGoat Teepee. We fired it up at bedtime and then immediately after the alarms went off at 5 am. What a luxury! Boy, this little stove puts out the heat! Once we learned to start the fire in the back of the stove we were able to fix the issue of smoking at startup. We had great weather but if it had been wet or snowy, which it has been in the past, we would have been able to dry gear and even bring camp chairs into the tent and hang out around the stove.
We travel to moose camp in 19' freighter canoe and the stove packed easily with all the hardware stored inside. I forgot to order a spark arrestor but we were able to I improvise with a cut open beer can and some wire!
Thanks for the great product!
I will definitely recommend to other Alaskans...
J. Snow

After losing a leg on my Little Amigo stove, which I lost on a Bison hunt in the Henry Mountains of southern Utah, I found myself talking to a gentleman in shipping, never realizing that it was the owner of the company. You were very helpful and just before I hung up I had to say how grateful I was that your company manufactures such a great product. I cannot say enough about his amazing little stove.
Although I can't recall the exact year it was purchased; I think it was about 1985 or 1986. Since then it has been with me on many hunts, pack trips, and used in several different tents. Because of its small size and weight it fits in any pannier, hard or soft and top packs well.
The really amazing thing about this stove is that is really puts off the heat, many times we've had to throw back the flaps to cool down the 12 x 14 tent.
A larger stove might make things nicer as far as holding heat overnight, (I stoke it a couple times a night), but this little stove is just the ticket; allowing me more space for other items with less pack animals. Especially, when we hunt as we go and camp where we end up.
Some folks may be concerned about bottom burn out, but not me! After 25 years of hard use my stove does not show any signs of this as yet. Could it be that I use a small amount of dirt in the bottom makes the difference?
One more thing - Nothing is as comforting as the sight and smell of smoke rising from a wall tent after a hard day in the mountains and knowing that you soon will be warm, full, and dry.
If home is where the heart is, my home is in a wall tent, with a Riley stove, in the back country! Thanks for your help and for building such a fine product.
M. Kynaston

I bought a new stove this year from you for our Snake River elk hunt, and it worked perfect. Thank you for making a great product and your advice on size and type of stove to purchase.
Rick from Oregon

These stoves are very well built. This is the one we had in the mountains for the last 20 years. Obviously it saw some outside use. We just replaced it with a new one. I also was very pleased with the customer service when I called to get a new one. Someone actually answered the phone instead of getting sent through an automated maze of options. Thank you for keeping us warm in the mountains and hot meals on the table.

I was lucky enough to receive one of your stoves as a gift over the holidays, and it has been incredible!
My girlfriend & I used it while camping in the Rockies for a week - made countless meals, made coffee and tea from the water heater, and it kept our tent and trailer warm! I wanted to say thank you for creating such an amazing product (far & fields better than other ones I had looked at), and for working with my father and myself to make it happen.
J. Norvell